Dr. Paul Marciano
It's all about RESPECT.
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Do you struggle with...
Disengaged employees
Are you employees sleepwalking through their workday, putting time — but not energy or passion — into their work?
Culture of disrespect
Respect matters. It’s a cornerstone of having a strong company culture that supports a thriving business.
Department silos
Departments or teams working in isolation restrict efficiency and innovation and reduce collaboration in an organization.
Employee turnover
Losing employees is costly, in time, resources, and money. What does turnover cost you?
Poor customer service
Great customer service starts with a great company culture.
Interpersonal employee conflict
Not only can interpersonal conflict lead to wasted employee time, loss of productivity, strained relationships, grievances and litigation, but it can also cause absenteeism and employee turnover.

Life at Campus
Dr. Paul Marciano
Dr. Paul Marciano is the leading authority on employee engagement and respect in the workplace. He has worked in the field of human resources and organizational development for over 25 years and is president of the human relations consulting firm Whiteboard, LLC, a company committed to helping organizations cultivate, manage, and grow their human capital through targeted behavioral solutions.